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There are all different types of trash... Trash comes in all colors, shapes and sizes.  Trash doesn't have to live in a single wide trailer or project apartment. Trash can live anywhere for it takes many forms. I'm sure this post is going to take a while to be completed because of this fact.

Lets first start with the one that everyone knows and hears... This is the definition direct from Wikipedia. (I love wikipedia)

White trash is an American English pejorative term referring to individual or groups of lower social class Caucasian people that the speaker considers to lack social status. It is most frequently used as a slur to describe financially, economically or culturally disadvantaged Caucasians. It may also be used self-referentially by white North Americans with higher socio-economic status to jokingly describe limitations they sense in their culture[citation needed] and may also be used as a within-group expression among disadvantaged white Americans to express solidarity. "White trash" should be differentiated from the term redneck, as each has a unique historical etymology and context in modern usage with the latter generally a bit more socially acceptable.

Where this is what most people think I tend to disagree.  You can be white trash and not financially disadvantaged.  Oh and definitely you don't have to be Caucasian.  Some trash can be rednecks but not all rednecks are trash.  Let me explain myself a bit further

The first type of trash I would like to talk about is High Society Trash. Kind of like the Beverly Hillbillies meet The Bundy's. These are people who act like they have lots of money.  They live in big houses. (currently in foreclosure)  Drive nice cars. But they have no common sense and no knowledge of proper etiquette. These people are the first ones to look down on others because of what they wear and the people they associate with. This is the worse type of trash if you ask me!!

Type 2 - Redneck.  I am not saying all rednecks are trash.  My parents I think qualify as rednecks but not trash.  Redneck trash doesn't cut their grass, they don't take down their Christmas lights, they have junk trucks sitting in their yard (most likely with tons of beer cans in the back)  They are honestly the most lazy people I have known.  These are the same people who have dogs who shits all in their house. This is what most people would qualify "white trash". Their kids are always dirty.  Don't get me wrong. Kids play, they get dirty. But when your kids face, knees and hands are stained with dirt.  My dear is a different story.  These area also the same people who fuss about law enforcement.  Why? No reason.  Their cousin twice removed most likely did something stupid and got arrested and now every officer is out to get them in their opinion.

Type 3 - Getto Trash - Don't think this one is a rasist one. Because it is not.  Getto Trash can be white, black, hispanic, or indian for all I know. These are the people who spend more money on their rides than their homes. They get food stamps and wellfare checks.  They pop out kids so they can stay on medicaid and get more food stamps.  They are the first ones to throw out the race card too.  You know, It makes me mad at no end that I am doing my best to raise my children not to see race.  Not to see the color of ones skin or even their size.  AND the Getto Trash keeps multipulying and going against everything that some of us have worked for. 

Okay, I think three types are enough for now.  I am sure there are plenty of other types but I think they all fall into these three catagores.  If you know of more or disagree, feel free to comment.  All opinions are welcomed.  Please remember that I am not writing this blog to piss someone off.  These are just ramdom thoughts that pass through my brain as I am stuck at home.

1 opinions:

just me said...

Ok well I am loving the blog here.

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