To Begin....

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If you know me, You know I have an opinion on just about everything. I think I get it from my late grandfather. He was a great man with a big mouth! Anyways, I was laid off this past summer and have had alot of time on my hands that I am not use to having. I take my daughter to school and on the ride to and from, I see things that just "erk" me. I am going to use this blog to express my feelings about these things. I'm sure I am going to offend someone at some point but I'm sorry! Feel free to comment if you don't agree with what I have to say. It is a free country and we all have freedom of speech.

I would like to start off my blog about people and their yards. For those of you who have had the blessing to know me, You know my parents. My parents will cut grass twice a week if needed to keep the yard looking respectable. This is something I have lived my entire life with. When it starts looking shaggy, It's time for a cutting. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. This does not only include my parents land but my great aunts and grandmothers. (I'm sure my parents would extend their grass cutting services to the entire road if it were possible.)

So as I ride around Butts county, I see NUMEROUS people who were not raised as I was. I don't expect everyone to have O.C.D. like my family but it just looks bad when you have to put on safari gear to walk from the car to the door. (I guess you don't have to worry about the Jehovah Witnesses coming to visit.) This is a hazzard to not only the residence health but others also. Think about the mesquito breading grounds on this property? Your making a motel for them! It looks like trash lives in that house. (I'll get my opinion on the trash of the human race in this blog somewhere soon don't you worry.) These are the same people that are to lazy to take down there Christmas lights. (Which is another entry all by it's self or it can be added to the trash blog) If you own the land (and/or Rent the home) it is your responsibilty to make sure the grass is cut in the yard and by the road. Do you know how much our county sets aside for cutting the grass beside the road? I can tell you the state decided that instead of cutting in between the interstate 4 times a year they would only do it 3 times. This put $1M back in their budget. One Million not One Money! Maybe if some lazy people could handle this on their own then our property taxes would not be so high. Okay, for those of you who are saying what about the elderly people of Butts county. They have family! Their family should be helping them anyways! Do you want your grandmother or Great Aunt twice removed to get the west nile virus? I don't care how much inheritance you will get from their passing! Grown children who do not assist their elderly parents with yard work and other responsibilitys should be charged with Neglect! (Once again another post).

Final word - Get off your lazy ass and cut your damn grass!

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